Easy almond croissants for a quick dessert

Try my croissant recipe for almond stuffed croissant

These almond croissants are a variation of the nut stuffed croissant for those who prefer almonds. I like this croissant recipe very much since once again it is a quick and easy to make dessert.

almond croissants

If you are looking for quick easy desserts, then you have found one. Baking time of these croissants is short and one can make them just before a visit of a friend.

Of course you have to have the ingredients, but I usually have puff pastry in my fridge. You could substitute the vanilla bean with vanilla extract, but it is always better to use the real thing. You could also leave it out if you don’t have access to vanilla extract and vanilla bean is too expensive for you.

I enjoy these short and easy to make desserts very much when I don’t feel like baking an actual cake and still need something sweet at home.

My husband likes to eat cake every day so that is my way out when the day passed quickly by. I promise that you will have the almond croissants in the oven in 15 minutes.

I hope that you will enjoy this tasty and easy croissant recipe.

Email Recipe

Almond Croissants

For the stuffed croissant:
• 1 pack of puff pastry
• 150 g almonds, skinless (5.3 oz)
• 150 g powdered sugar (5.3 oz)
• 1 spoon of raisins
• ½ vanilla bean
• 1 egg white

Prepare the filling:
• Cut ½ of the vanilla bean in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a knife.
• Grind the almonds and mix well with sugar and vanilla.
• Add whipped egg white and rinsed raisins. Mix well.

Prepare the stuffed croissant:
• Cut the dough onto 4 inches wide stripes.
• Cut the Stripes into triangles.
• In the middle of each triangle place ½ spoon of filling and roll the triangle from the widest part to the top.
• Bake according to the instructions on packaging.

You can serve the croissants warm or cold. I like to pack them with me when we go for a walk or to a playground with the kids. Enjoy!

Source: “Najlepsze przepisy kuchni polskiej” by Marek Lebkowski

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Thank you very much. Jan"